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Well, What Are We Supposed to Eat?

The “Omnivore’s Dilemma…” by Michael Pollen Just when I thought I couldn’t learn anything more about the earth, soil, and the food that we consume every day I opened Michael Pollen’s book, “Omnivore’s Dilemma, A Natural History of Four Meals.” The “Omnivore’s Dilemma…” is very insightful into the food industry and just what is sprayed […]

What I’ve Learned – A Fresh Perspective on the Bioplastics Industry

By: Mercy Oyadare, Natur-Tec® Marketing Coordinator I’ve been working for Natur-Tec®, a division of Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC), which is a sector that manufactures compostable and sustainable, biopolymers and bioplastics, for just over two months. I’ve never worked in the bioplastic industry before, so with the help of my supervisor and the Natur-Tec® team, […]