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What I’ve Learned – A Fresh Perspective on the Bioplastics Industry

By: Mercy Oyadare, Natur-Tec® Marketing Coordinator I’ve been working for Natur-Tec®, a division of Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC), which is a sector that manufactures compostable and sustainable, biopolymers and bioplastics, for just over two months. I’ve never worked in the bioplastic industry before, so with the help of my supervisor and the Natur-Tec® team, […]

What is the Compost Act? and Why it’s Important!

Green bins and sort stations for separating organics and compostable food service packaging are becoming more common in places such as cafeterias, schools, and office buildings. But what happens after food scraps and organics are separated from recycling and landfill waste streams? After collection, food scraps, compostable food service packaging, and other organic waste is […]

Home Composting vs. Industrial Composting

Anything that was once living can be composted. This includes food waste, organics, and materials that result from the storage, preparation, cooking, handling, selling, or serving of food. As more businesses and consumers focus on sustainability, composting plays an important role in reducing waste and sequestering carbon. When composting is concerned, it is important to […]